Testing Forester#
Thank you so much for considering to test Forester. It would really help a lot!
There will be a lot of bugs. A lot! Some so subtle that we have not noticed them and some painfully obvious that we are sorry you had to see them. We need your help to find them all!
We know that Forester is generally usable on Safari, Firefox and Chrome. We did not try any other browsers yet. With this we mean that there shouldn’t be any major bugs that prevent you from testing.
Reporting a Bug
Please report bugs on our GitHub reposity by creating a Bug Report Issue. Make sure that the issue is labeled as a bug and add the label severe when the bug prevents you from using Forester properly. What information to include in the issue is described on the bug report page. It would also be very helpful when you check beforehand if the same bug has already been reported.
Improving Documentation and Features
Please suggest improvements to the documentation or features on our GitHub repository by creating a Feature Request Issue. Please add the badges improvement when it relates to an existing feature and documentation when it is related to the documentation.
After reading this you probably want to look at the quickstart workflow.
Where We Need Help#
There are multiple aspects that need to be tested. Of course we hope that you will consider all of them but even covering some is tremendously helpful to us. Below we listed what we consider to be important and suggest some questions to ask yourself.
You don’t need to give us feedback on everything that is listed below. The questions mainly aim at improving the documentation, finding bugs and improving on the current features.
Please try to actively break Forester. We can only build a robust product when we know where the software fails.
Was the documentation helpful to get you started?
Where was it unclear and confused you?
Where should it be expanded?
What aspects of Forester are not represented in the documentation but should be?
Are parts of the documentation unnessecarily long?
Have you been able to run Forester on your machine and browser?
Are there problems with the installation that prevent you from using Forester?
Your Projects
Have you been able to load your own models in Forester?
Are there differences to similar plots for your own models?
Does Forester fail to convey some important aspects of you model?
What routines are you using that do not work with Forester?
What features are you missing?
How could existing features be improved?
Are there features that are unncessecarily complicated and confuse you?
Your Ideas Improve Forester#
While using Forester you probably had tons of ideas on features that should be added or improved.
Even though we can not implement them immediately, we would be very happy if you still share them with us. For this you can also use the Feature Request Template. Just drop the improvement badge so that we know that you are talking about a new feature.
To convey your idea as genuine as possible, please give a detailed description of the feature. You can also include a small sketch by dragging a file into the issue editor. Anything hand-drawn will do - often images tell more than a thousand words.
Further Contributions#
If you enjoy Forester and would like to give web-development a try, we would be thrilled to work with you!
We think you don’t need to have a full-fledged background in web-development (at least we did not). Curiosity is all that is needed!
Because there is no technical documentation on this page yet, it is probably best to contact David Strahl directly to coordinate contributions. Alternatively, we will try to add the badge good-first-issue for bugs and features that we think could be an entry point into developing Forester.
We kindly ask you to create a new branch with your name as its title or fork the project before you contribute. This is to prevent issues when multiple contributors work on the same project.